Location: Egypt
Closing date: 03 Apr 2008
Job Description

Status: (Proposal)‎

Project: Upper Egypt Integrated Governorates Development Project (UEIGDP); Study for ‎Means and Policy measures for Supporting Governorates and district planning process and ‎participatory. ‎

Project Objective:‎

The consultancy services aims to improve the planning process and resource allocation ‎decisions at district and governorate levels. ‎

The Consultant is expected to: ‎

(ix) work with the Governors’ headquarter "diwans" to reach an understanding on the ‎integration of UEIGDP investments under the Governorate investment plan;‎

‎(x)‎ define a participatory planning process at: (a) the mother village; (b) the district ‎and, (c) the governorate levels that will ensure the most efficient and equitable ‎allocation of resources, highlighting district and mother village definitions ; ‎

‎(xi) carry out the planning process and propose a 24 month investment plan for 10 ‎among the poorest districts in the five governorates on the basis of the total ‎budget available for these districts, including the additional budget that the ‎project will bring (20% of the existing budget). The consultant will also prepare a ‎framework for carrying out the socio-economic analysis of social and economic ‎infrastructure, including calculation of the Economic rate of Return (ERR). The ‎consultant will provide a socio-economic analysis model for each type of social or ‎economic sub-projects (i.e. markets, youth centres, roads, water supply,…). The ‎consultant will also apply this framework to the proposed 24-month investment ‎plan. ‎

‎(xii) two district plans are already available, from the work done under the Policy ‎Note: Upper Egypt: Challenges and Priorities for Rural Development”. These are ‎Tameya district in Fayoum and Dar es Salam in Sohag. Both districts are the ‎poorest in their respective governorates. The Consultant will review the priorities ‎that were selected at the time to determine whether these priorities are still valid ‎‎(some of the priority investments may have already been made, in that case ‎other priorities should be identified) and will update them accordingly ; ‎

‎(xiii) prepare a costed plan for capacity-building in support of the roll-out of the ‎participatory investment planning process.
‎(xiv)‎ support the preparation – by the Governors’ headquarter diwans - of the ‎Governorate investment plan for the 5 project Governorates. The Governorate ‎investment plan will take account of the proposals developed under (ii) above.‎

(xv) define key outcome and performance indicators which will form the basis of the ‎monitoring and evaluation framework (planning process at district and ‎governorate levels), together with the envisaged methods, procedures and ‎responsibilities for data collection. ‎

(xvi) propose a) a set of criteria and b) a mechanism for the allocation of funds ‎between the selected Governorates based upon criteria assessed to be important ‎in coordination with the MoLD such as poverty, needs, demographic profile etc.‎


* Relevant academic qualification (PhD degree would be a plus) ‎
* At least 7 years of experience relevant fields.‎
* Good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with ‎diverse stakeholders. ‎
* Good experience in the Monitoring & Evaluation ‎
* Fluent in both written and spoken Arabic and English and have extensive ‎experience working in Egypt.‎
* Good presentation and computer skills.‎

Vacancies Contact
Notices: ‎ ONLY APPLICANTS WHO MATCH STRICTLY THE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE ‎CONSIDERED - CVs of expert in World Bank format should be sent to info@idcegypt.com